How To Bounce Back From A Business Failure In Three Quick Steps
Today we're going to be looking at how you can bounce back from a business failure. We're all terrified of failing in all areas of life. However - failure comes with the territory of living. And it’s essential that you remember this while running your business. Failing is a part of life and how we learn super valuable lessons.
In this article you’ll learn:
The truth about failure:
Failing makes us stronger.
Think about it, as a baby, when you started walking, you failed over and over again. You stood up and fell back down again, and you didn't let that stop you. Or think about when you were learning to ride your bike when you were little. How many times did you fall off? And then, when we started eating we couldn't find our mouths. We would keep picking up the food and dropping it in our laps. Eventually, we did succeed, but the only way we got there was because we kept going and kept trying and eventually we figured it out.
Normalize failure!
Failure is something that you'll have to accept will happen in your business. In fact, it’s probably going to have multiple times. I can think about at least a dozen mistakes I’ve made in my business just this year!
Some of those failures will be less painful than others and understanably more difficult to recover from.
And so, it’s natural that we develop a bigger fear of failure as we live through more business experiences. And this fear becomes a problem once it starts stopping us from moving forward or taking action toward a goal or desired outcome.
In my book, The Up Level Project: Your Guide to Unlocking Higher Profits While Creating More Freedom, I do a deep dive into practical strategies to help you overcome and clear the fear of failure and to shift to using fear as a valuable informant for success.
Which brings me to our topic today:
Once you've failed, how do you bounce back?
Three quick strategies to help you bounce back from failure fast!
Forgive Yourself :
After you experience failure, notice where you’re blaming yourself, and forgive yourself. High-achieving entrepreneurs have a tendency to beat themselves up and have negative headchatter, and that it can be extremely unproductive.
Asses Your Failure:
Once you’ve forgiven yourslef, shift into assessing the situation, and ask yourself, "Okay, what exactly is it that went wrong and how can I make this better in future?"
When you do this, you’ll shift your focus to finding a solution and learning from the experience, which will be valuable information for you moving forward.
Make Adjustments:
Now that you’ve forgiven yourself and learned from the experience, you want to make adjustments and improvements accordingly.
Once you’ve implemented these three strategies, it’s time to get back out there and try again!
As Michael Jordan says:
“I have failed over and over and over again and that is how I succeed.”
Remember you can overcome any failure when you implement the strategies above and choose to do so!
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