Blog + Podcast
Strategies To Help You Experience More Joy, Gain Freedom, and Earn More!
Three Strategies To Maintain Motivation And Achieve Business Success Faster
In this article, I’m sharing three strategies to help you be happier and accelerate your business growth.
The One Word You Need To Save Time And Energy - And Grow Your Business
As a business owner, time is the only business resource that’s limited. Therefore, the bigger your business gets, the more important it is to start prioritizing and managing your time (and energy) better.
What are Four Typical Qualities of a Business Coach?
Working with a business coach can be a big decision. And when you’ve made it, you want to make sure you’re working with the right one.
The Inside Scoop On Writing The Up Level Project
Now available in audiobook format and with a redesigned cover - grab a copy of The Up Level Project wherever books are sold!
Five Strategies for Setting and Achieving Your Entrepreneurial Goals
In this blog post, I’ll share five top strategies I use with my established service-based entrepreneurs that have helped them double their revenue year-over-year and expand from one location to many around the country.
How To Grow Your Business Or Brand By Writing A Book
Learn the five things every author should know to successfully promote and market their book.
How Much Should I Pay For A Business Coach?
Sometimes, you find a coach who you just love, but their prices feel a little higher than you’re comfortable with. Here’s how to reconcile those things and make a smart decision, both for yourself and your business.
How Often Should I Meet With A Business Coach?
How often you meet with a business coach will depend on your unique situation.
How Do I Become A Business Coach?
Here are answers to some of the most commonly asked questions around coaching.
Up Level Your Life and Business: My Interview with Billion Success
I talked to Billion Success about what I hope readers will take away from The Up Level Project, my tips for writers, and when I’ll consider the book a success.
What To Do Before You Start Looking For A Business Coach
Asking for help can be daunting. Especially in a world where we receive a lot of subliminal messaging and headlines about “self-made” entrepreneurs. The truth is: behind every successful business person, there is an entire team of people and customers who helped them to get there.
Before You Interview That Business Coach - Do This!
Coaching is an unregulated industry, which means that anyone can hang a shingle and call themselves a coach. I’m here to help ensure that you hire a qualified and experienced coach for exactly what your business needs next.
How I Wrote A Book In 90 Days
It’s been over three years since my book was released - and now the audiobook is about to launch! I’ve decided to take you on the behind the scenes journey that led to this miracle I once thought would not be possible.
How To Formulate A Business Strategy
One of the many things a business coach and consultant will help you do with less hassle while saving loads of time is to formulate a business strategy that excites you.
When Should You NOT Hire A Business Coach?
A lot of the time, people want to know how to go about hiring a business coach.
But just as important as this is knowing when it’s the wrong time to hire a business coach.
What If I Can’t Afford A Business Coach?
So you’ve found a business coach you really like. You’ve done a discovery call, you’ve learned about their pricing. You really want to work with them, but the big catch is the money. What should you do?
How Can A Business Coach Help Me?
If you’re feeling stuck, hiring a business coach can be one of the most productive things to do. But if you haven’t worked with a business coach before, it can be hard to take that leap without first knowing how a business coach can help you.
How Do I Prepare For A Business Coaching Session?
As a multi-award-winning entrepreneur and business coach, I’ve been on both sides of the coaching relationship many times. Here are some top tips on how to prepare for each coaching session, so that you get the most out of the time you spend with your coach.
What Qualifies Someone To Be A Business Coach?
What qualifies someone to be a business coach? I answer some commonly-asked questions on this topic.
What Does A Business Coach Do?
A business coach is someone who works with entrepreneurs or senior leaders at a high level. They provide a sounding board for new ideas and ask lots of challenging questions so that you can get to the next level in your career, or your business.