Why You Should Ignore What Others Are Doing With Their Marketing And Do This Instead
Hayley Denker, founder of a multi-disciplinary marketing agency, shares her insights based on her 15+ year career about effective marketing, driving results and overcoming the challenges that hold your business back.
1) What Are Two Ways To Make Your Marketing Effective?
Ignore the “supposed to’s” and what everyone else is doing - let your strategy be your guide! You can’t go wrong when you combine an in-depth knowledge of your customer with your expertise in your industry and structure your marketing around serving your customers well.
Another piece of advice: Creativity can be seen as the number one asset in marketing, but often it’s execution and operations. Make sure you (or your team or agency) has a plan on how to execute all of your brilliant ideas.
2) Here’s How You Discover What Really Drives Results In Your Business
One thing that’s helped me create more freedom in my business is consistently tracking my progress so I can see what drives results and not repeat mistakes. Often seeing results come from unexpected places requires a look back at what exactly worked. I’m able to repeat things that generated results and drop things that didn’t, which allows for more freedom and play.
3) Why You Shouldn’t Struggle Alone And Get Help Instead
My biggest tip for getting more organized and strategic is simple: hire a coach or expert on what you’re struggling with to help you!
4) How Perspective And Grounding Can Help You Overcome Limiting Beliefs
I’ve worked really hard on noticing patterns where I have a limiting belief, or am avoiding a decision. In fact, I have certain phrases I will say to myself that now trigger more self reflection.
For example, when I notice myself saying “I need to decide what to do about x”, it is a sign that I probably already know what I need to do, I’m just avoiding it.
Taking a breath and a step back from what is freaking me out and remembering I have all of the tools to handle it is my go-to method to fight self-imposed limitations.
5) How To Get Access To The Best Entrepreneurial Peer Group
The best part of being in the Business Growth Achievers is having a group of women that “get it” - from leading a team to scaling a business to balancing life. Sometimes you might need advice, sometimes understanding, sometimes inspiration or ideas, sometimes accountability.
To learn more about the Business Growth Achievers accountability group, you can join here: Business Growth Achievers.
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About Hayley Denker
Hayley Denker is the Founder of Hayley Denker Marketing Agency.
My 15+ year career in marketing has paralleled the booming growth of social media. From hospitality to hair salons to healthcare and professional services, I’m passionate about helping businesses refocusing their goals and putting together a strategy to establish real results.
I have an insatiable thirst for learning and a drive to find a solution, so I love the ever-changing landscape of digital marketing. I’m equally as committed to my team of rockstar marketers as I am to our clients, and strive to provide a supportive environment where creative thinkers thrive.
Outside of marketing and strategy, I enjoy spending time with my husband and two children, strength training, or finding new inspiration for crafts on Pinterest.
At Hayley Denker Marketing Agency, we pride ourselves on standing out from the crowd. We ignite enthusiasm by fostering our team’s collective creativity over “supposed to’s”, playfulness over cookie cutter, and human connection over algorithms. We are unafraid to make bold decisions so that you can see your business in HD(M).
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“How To Get The Most Out Of Your Evergreen Content”
And if you’d like more resources to help you expand your business, check out:
Accelerate your growth with this free handy download.
Read my bestselling book, The Up Level Project
Join my group accountability program: Business Growth Achievers
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