Seven Secrets All Seven-Figure Business Owners Swear By!
A few years ago, I learned 7 secret mindset tips that all 7-figure business owners live by.
I had the opportunity to attend two live events with one of my favorite mind mindset mentors ever, Denise Duffield-Thomas. I’ve been part of her Money Bootcamp for years; in fact, it was the very first mindset group course I ever invested in. And it’s been amazing to watch her transform into a 7-figure business owner. Meeting Denise in person was incredible.
If you’ve been in any of my group coaching experiences before, then you’ll know that I love talking about money, and I love helping my clients (many of whom are 7-figure business owners themselves) overcome any limiting beliefs that are blocking them from making more money in their business.
And in this article, I’ll share:
A few of my limiting beliefs that I had to overcome to build two award-winning businesses
Denise & Me Before Thursday's Event
When I walked into her 7-Figure Mindset event, I immediately noticed her and was like: "Oh my word, is that her!?" And her height struck me; she's a cool Madonna, 5'5". Somehow, she looked taller online.
And this brings us to one of my limiting beliefs that I had to overcome to build two award-winning businesses.
1 - You can achieve success no matter how tall you are:
You see, I was telling myself a story that being short and petite (I'm only 5'4") would lead to not being able to play or produce big things in this world. And witnessing Denise and her success allowed me to put that one to rest!
My next surprise was that we were able to walk right up to her and give her a massive hug and take a picture with her! This brings us to my next limiting believe:
2 - You can grow a successful 7-figure business as an introvert:
You see, just like Denise, I’m an introvert as well. And over the years, I have definitely told myself some limiting stories about what types of events or businesses introverts can handle.
The truth is – you can create successful experiences and businesses no matter your personality type.
The only difference – is that your recovery practices will look different.
The thing I enjoy most about Denise (in-person and online) is how down-to-earth and real she is. What you see is what you get.
She was there, she is real, and she is just one of us! Which brings us to the other limiting belief that I’ve had to work at overcoming.
3 - You can be a successful and rich entrepreneur and still be down-to-earth.
So if you'd like to be a 7-figure business owner but believe that you'll become a stuck-up B*** to do it you can put that fear to rest. You can stay the kind and amazing person you are!
Ok, so now that we’ve overcome those self-imposed limitations, it’s time to move on to the 7 secrets that all 7-figure business owners swear by!
7 secrets all 7-figure business owners swear by!
1 . You've got to start where you're at right now
Everyone starts out at zero, and the only way we get to play bigger is by consistently showing up, graduating from where we're at, learning from our failures, and moving on to the next level of growth and expansion.
2. Stay Focused
A lot of entrepreneurs (and people in general) have Shiny Object Syndrome. And that’s why it’s important to know what works in your business and life and do continue doing that. Stop thinking you have to reinvent the wheel. Make sure that all your efforts lead to your signature product.
If you need help staying focused and tracking what’s working and what’s not in your business and life – download my nifty Business Growth Acceleration worksheet here.
3. Celebrate your Failures
That's right, instead of having a down-in-the-dumbs reaction to failure, take it as an opportunity to celebrate that you now know what it feels like to fail, learn from it, and move on to bigger and better things.
This is an especially helpful tool to implement in your team meetings as well. Allowing your team to celebrate their failures will help them to stay motivated and be more creative, while also taking more ownership and responsibility for their projects. And all of this means that they’ll work harder and put in more effort.
4. Fear is normal
If you're waiting for fear to disappear before you can take action on a goal, you're going to wait a very very very long time. In my book The Up Level Project: Your Guide to Increasing Profits While Creating More Freedom, I dedicated an entire chapter to helping you move through your fear and use it as a powerful informant. Click here to grab the book and skip straight to Chapter 5: Becoming Friends with Fear!
Learning how to work with your fear to achieve what you want will help you to accelerate your success!
5. Stop playing small
It's our time to start playing big. If we want to change the world, we have to earn more money and make sure that more money gets distributed to the good people in this world. If you were a wealthier person think of all the fantastic things you could do with your money!
6. You can't do it alone
If you'd like to accomplish more significant things in your life, you have to surround yourself with the right support.
Here are some ideas to help you get the support needed to achieve the success you desire:
- Join a mastermind or accountability group (Check out Business Growth Achievers: my vetted
business accountability group for high-achieving, independent service-based entrepreneurs.)
- Hire a coach (Check out private coaching options with me.)
- Outsource the "busy-work stuff to team members or hire a Virtual/Executive Assistant. (This is one of the best things I've done for my business.)
Me, Denise, My Business Coach Tara, and My Mastermind Buddy Sara
7. It's your time now, and the world needs you!
If you know Denise Duffield-Thomas, you’ll know that this is one of her favorite quotes. Wherever you are in your life, business, or career, remember her encouraging words. There is no time like the present to step up your game and create the success you desire.
Our VIP Day Crew of inspiring women changing the world; thanks, Denise, for the picture and unforgettable day!
If you’d like to implement these 7 secrets from 7-figure business owners to create the success you deserve, here are a few ways that you can get more support from me to become the best entrepreneur you can be:
Accelerate your growth with this free handy download
Read my bestselling book, The Up Level Project
Enlist radical accountability and increase your chances of success by 95% - check out Business Growth Achievers.
Work with me: Book a 1:1 consultation with me here
Here’s another useful article that you may enjoy: How can a business coach help me?