Case Study With Hayley Denker, CEO And Founder Of Hayley Denker Marketing
Meet Hayley Denker
Hayley first found me on LinkedIn and registered to attend one of my Next-Level Business Retreats. And it was during this retreat that Hayley experienced a radical shift and decided to 100% commit to her dream of building a highly profitable marketing agency. Before even leaving the retreat, she lined up some office spaces and rented one that very week, and since then, her business has flourished.
Hayley took some time to share some of her thoughts on working with me as a business coach.
A little more about Hayley Denker and her business:
Hayley Denker Marketing is now a digital marketing agency that's able to act as your entire marketing department.
Outside of marketing and strategy, Hayley spends time with her husband and two children in Belmont, MA.
Since that retreat in the fall of 2019, Hayley’s been working with me in a variety of containers, from masterminds to group programs, and decided to sign up and work with me 1:1 in 2022.
She’s since more than doubled her income, grown her team, demystified the process of moving contractors to full-time employees (something she’ll be doing as soon as it makes financial sense), and has become a bold and kind leader who embodies her values.
Here’s why Hayley first reached out for some one-on-one support:
- I wanted to get a clear process in place to delegate more projects to my team and she specifically wanted to ensure that my team took on more of the client-facing calls.
- I wanted to develop my leadership style to honor my values of being human first, but also lead in a bold way that would honor my boundaries and the demands of what's best for the business.
- I also wanted to get confident in my business' ability to transition my contractors to full-time employees.
- I was also a little bit of a glass ceiling as we were at capacity for the amount of clients we could handle with my existing team and I wasn’t clear on how to proceed on company systems, structure, etc to ensure we hired the right people while also ensuring we were operating in an efficient way that would continue to deliver high-quality services and results for our clients.
All of the above was limiting our ability for future growth.
Why did Hayley decide to hire Hanneke?
Having attended previous events and group programs with Hanneke, Hayley knew that:
“Hanneke is No BS. She’s not offering up empty support and cheerleading, she’s offering up tried and true effective strategies that I can then integrate into my business.”
What are some of the biggest benefits of working with Hanneke:
Hayley has also:
Stopped preconceived notions that she needs to be good at "all the things'' and is embracing hiring and outsourcing as much as she can.
Created clear organizational structure and role refinement of the entire team using Hanneke’s Profit Acceleration templates.
Created systems and structures to support the business as it continues to grow
Results experienced by working with Hanneke:
Hayley increased her profits and flexibility while working with Hanneke.
Thanks for stopping by my website and reading this far. As you can see, I’m a multi-award-winning business coach and entrepreneur based in Boston, MA.
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